Thursday, January 9, 2014


Allow me to re-introduce myself ... (thanks Jay-Z)

I'm Han.  I've been a live long tech geek, Mac OS nerd but OS agnostic (the best OS is the dumbest question in the world, the answer is whatever environment gets you the results you want), and recently took on a role as a DevOps Engineer, something of a new career path from my pervious more traditional internal IT work in the past.

The DevOps movement has inspired me to learn more about how I can do my day to day job, support technology so that others can the results they want, better.  Doing things by hand (aka the old school sys admin) does not scale, and it hasn't for a long time.  Developing processes that minimize human fat fingers and giving easy to use tools so others can help themselves does scale.

Two reasons for this blog.  One, to document my new career path, things I come across that I find interesting that I can look back on and see progress on how far I've grown.  Two, to make myself write more, share knowledge more, and be a part of a new community of those who share similar beliefs.

In the beginning this blog is going to seem really simple to most who already do this.  I hope to share some insights from a newbie who really is just trying to learn and apply the best practices out there, some of the stuff is going to come across as just plain dumb, or obvious to a lot of other people.  I'm okay with that.  I hope to give someone else who used to be "old school" a new way to look at old problems and solutions.

Thanks for taking a look, my goal is to be active, comment away, share with me things that are cool and interesting, and I'll do the same.

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